Sunday, 11 November 2012

Textual Analysis - The Ring Trailer

The importance of this blog post is to show that I have done an analysis on a professional film trailer, so that I can understand the variety of editing skills and camera shots used in this genre of film. 

This is the first shot you see when you begin to watch this trailer. It a shot of a disclaimer suggesting the required age you need to be to watch this trailer and who it has been approved by. This shot lasts on screen for 1 second of time before fading to black.

This collection of shots show clips from the tape that is the main prop in this film, as this is the trigger for the evil entity to attack you. The shots are all on screen from 1-3 seconds. The shot types range from long shot of the 'ring' and of the women brushing her hair and close up of blood in water and television static.

This is a shot of the main distribution company of the film showing the audience the company that distributed the film. This shot lasts for 2 seconds.

This is a long shot of two people standing face to face. One is a young child the other an adult. The editing here is quite quick. The shot shows are not only the setting, but both characters. The shot lasts on screen for 2 seconds.

This is a extreme close up of the female character's face, showing the anxiety on her expression. The editing style here is still quite quick. The shot lasting on screen for 2 seconds.

This is a close up of a doorknob dripping. There is a shallow dept of focus as the doorknob is in focus and he hand in the background is out of focus. This shot is on screen for 3 seconds, the editing style still quite fast.

This is an over the shoulder shot of a women and a man. There is a shallow dept of focus as the women is in focus but the man behind her is not. The editing for this shot is still quite fast the shot lasting for 3 seconds on screen.

This is an over the shoulder shot of a man and a women talking. However the man is in focus and the women is not, showing us what he is saying is of more importance. The editing for this shot is still quite fast paced. The shot being on screen for 2 seconds.

This is a medium close up of a women looking at a video tape. She is being partially obscured by the shelving unit. The editing for this shot is still quite fast, the shot being on screen for about 2 seconds.

This is an extreme close of of a video tape being inserted into a video player. The editing style is still quite fast and the shot is on screen for 3 seconds.
This is an close up of a phone lying on its side. The editing style for this shot is still fast and the shot lasts on screen for 2 seconds.
This is an extreme close up of a black crayon on a piece of paper. The editing style is slower here but still a decent pace. The shots lasts on screen for 3 seconds.
This is an extreme close up of an eye with a large pupil. A shot from a video tape which is the main prop for the film's storyline. The editing style is faster here and this shot is on scene for 1 second.
This is a long shot of the main female character of the film sitting on a bed. The editing style at this point in the trailer is still quick in pace this shot being on screen for 2 seconds.
This is an establishing shot of the sun travelling across the sky. This is an obscure shot that is related to the storyline somehow. The editing style of this shot is still fast paced the shot on screen for 2 seconds.

This is one of the final clips that show on the trailer giving the name of the film it is about. This shot is a long shot and its on screen for 2 seconds.

This is a shot of the website address for the film showing the watchers of the trailer a place to go if they want to know more about the film.. This is on screen for 2 seconds.

From this analysis, I have learned that in supernatural horror film trailers they have a lot of fast paced editing. Also they use a wide variety of camera shots and movements, ones used the most are close ups and extreme close ups.

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