The importance of this post is to outline the characters and the people who will be playing them.
Lily Tomsworthy:
Zaneta Williams will be the actress playing Lily. The character Lily is the wife of Caleb and is a housewife. So she doesn't go to work but looks after the well-being of the house. She has been married to Caleb for 4 years. She is a lover of reading books and drawing. She is also a strong Christian which is why she wears her gold cross necklace.
Caleb Tomsworthy:
Matthew Watson will be the actor playing Caleb. The character Caleb is the husband of Lily and he works the usual 9 to 5 day working as a Policeman. He is currently doing desk work because Lily worries about him being on active duty. Caleb enjoys comedy programs but isn't a fan of horror films. Caleb is Agnostic. Which means he doesn't know if we can tell if God exists.
Ivy Krazer
Natasha Barrett (me) will be the actress playing Ivy. The character Ivy is the Mistress of Caleb and works with him at the police station. They started talking when Ivy brought Caleb some tea one day and they hitted it off. Ivy enjoys writing and doing photography. Ivy isn't religious as it has never really crossed her mind.
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